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Frequently Asked Questions

How many Bahai’s are there in the world?

Bahai’s inhabit communities across the globe and currently there are over 8 million believers.

How many Bahá’ís are in New Westminster?

The Bahai community consists of approximately 50 adults and 20 youth/children.

When was the Bahá’í community of New Westminster established?

The first Local Spirtual Assembly of New Westminster was established in Ridvan 1953.

Who is the leader of the Bahá’í Community of New Westminster?

In the Bahá'í Faith, there are no clergy. On the other hand, it does have a national, municipal, and worldwide administrative structure. The Bahá'í community of New Westminster is governed by an assembly of people, much like in practically every other city on the planet. Educated by all the Bahá'ís in the city, this group of believers, called the Local Spiritual Assembly, consists of nine members chosen annually.

Is there a temple or place of worship?

Churches are not recognized by the Bahá'í Faith. Most of the events are concentrated in specific neighborhoods and take place in unofficial spaces including homes, parks, and community centers. Attending a home prayer group, taking part in a youth group at the community center, or hearing a spiritual discussion at a coffee shop are all typical experiences. The Bahá'í Faith has temples, also referred to as a  House of Worship which are intended as communal places of worship for all people, of all faiths and backgrounds. 

What is the building on Main Street in Vancouver?

This central, known as the Vancouver Bahai Center of Learning welcomes all members from neighbouring communities for seminars, memorials, and  community planning. The  Bahai Center also includes a Bookstore to find books and resources related to materials on the Faith. 

How do I become a Bahá’í?

Following Bahá'u'lláh's teachings and regulations and acknowledging him as God's messenger for the modern day is everything that it means to be a Bahá'í. To become a Bahá'í, there is no specific procedure or ritual involved. You belong to the Bahá'í religion if you acknowledge Bahá'u'lláh and obey His teachings. To fully engage in community activities, such as voting for the Assembly and receiving email updates, one would typically notify the Local Spiritual Assembly, the local governing council, of one's beliefs.

How can I get involved in activities here in New Westminster?

You can contact us on the contact page to receive more information on upcoming events and feasts in the community!


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